Saturday, February 8, 2014

grossju - Project 003

Emergent Form

Part 1.)  1-to-1

Each part is modeled with a circular elbow at the center, filleted into tapering legs that butt up against the next part.  The 1-to-1 part is bent at the elbow at only 10 degrees.  It has the shortest legs at 12".


Part 2.)  Extremeties 
The extremities of the assembly are capped with this part.  The elbow is bent at 35 degrees.  One leg is 18" long, while the other is 24".  The taper is reversed on the 24" leg to create a larger base or, in some cases, a large termination.

Part 3.)  1-to-2
In this part, one leg is bent 15 degrees off of the datum line of the x-axis, while the other is bent 75 degrees off of the datum line of the y-axis.  All legs are 18" long.

Assembly Details

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